Growing your business / Resources

Getting a Small Business Loan in the Midst of a Global Crisis

By: Kate Samano April 18, 2022

After a relatively benign 2021, in which interest rates fell, the stock market rose and the economy picked up steam heading out of the coronavirus pandemic, 2022 has been nothing short of awful. The stock market is in correction or even bear market territory, depending on which indicator you follow, inflation is climbing at a record pace, the Fed is insistent on raising interest rates throughout the year, and Vladimir Putin has sent his army into Ukraine. In the midst of all of this tumult, what is a small business to do regarding its financing? Let the experts at Lendzi guide you through this upheaval to lead you to the right financing source for your business.

First Steps

While it can be tempting to curl up into a ball and hope that your company makes it through to the other side, as a business owner, you know that being proactive is always better than letting the markets dictate what happens to you. With that in mind, here are a series of steps you can take to line up your financing during a global crisis:


  • Don’t Panic
  • Review Your Business Needs
  • Don’t Gamble With Interest Rates
  • Understand That All Businesses, Not Just Yours, Are Dealing With This
  • Talk With the Experts To Ensure You Leave No Stone Unturned

Let’s take each step one at a time.

Don’t Panic

Few, if any, good business decisions have been made in the midst of panic. Accept the fact that no matter how bleak conditions may look at the present time, sunnier days lie ahead. Geopolitical tension will always exist, as will the business cycle, so it’s important to deal with the realities of the current environment head on and make the best strategic moves for your business.

Review Your Business Needs

Once you’ve taken a step back from the global perspective, look at the microeconomics of your business. What exactly does your business need? What will your loan finance? How long of a term is appropriate for you? All of these business-specific needs exist regardless of the global market environment, so it’s important to identify them. This is where finance experts at Lendzi can help the most.

Don’t Gamble With Interest Rates

It’s one thing to play the interest rate market as an investor, but as a business, you’ve got to limit your rate risk, not take chances. This means searching for the lowest rates available that service your needs. In some cases, it may mean developing alternative hedging strategies so that if rates go up as anticipated in 2022, your business is not hurt further. Since even CFOs may not know the ins-and-outs of all available financing, hedging and strategic interest rate options in 2022, it’s in your best interest to speak with professionals who deal with these types of situations every day.

Understand That All Businesses, Not Just Yours, Are Dealing With This

The rising interest rates, inflationary pressures and global upheaval that may be affecting your company right now may feel like a lot to take on, but realize that you’re not alone. Your competitors are undergoing the same stresses and pressures, so you’re likely not losing any competitive ground. In fact, in a business sense, you may be able to score a strategic advantage if you’re willing to be proactive and seize a great financing opportunity when it presents itself.

Why Talking to Experts Can Prove Invaluable

Lending is a highly competitive business. New products and services are constantly coming to market. No one person can monitor the day-to-day developments in the business lending market and run a successful business at the same time. That’s why it pays to talk with professionals whose entire job is to monitor these developments. Specialists at Lendzi can not only provide you with fast access to funds at low rates, they can also steer you in the direction of specialized lenders if they’re a better fit for your business.

Action Steps To Take Now if You Need a Small Business Loan

Business conditions may seem to be tough right now, but the reality is, companies are always dealing with some type of adverse conditions. Take these steps now if you are getting a small business loan:

  • Keep a level head and focus on your business, not any outside commotion
  • Define your business needs 
  • Analyze your cash flow to see how much you can afford to borrow
  • Talk with experts, such as at Lendzi, to explore all possible financing options
  • Close your loan and get back to business

Get started with Lendzi today to get a no-obligation analysis of which types of loans might best serve your business.

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